Massage Therapy:

Sports Massage, Fertility Massage, Hot Stone, Myofacial

Massage Therapy is an essential aspect of every treatment plan, making it a crucial pillar of our clinic. Despite the perception of massage as a luxurious spa indulgence, its impact reaches far beyond that.

From the moment we enter the world, touch becomes our first soothing experience, emphasizing its profound effect on the human psyche. For numerous patients, complete healing remains elusive without the inclusion of massage. By alleviating tension in contracted muscle groups, tendons, and ligaments, massage plays a pivotal role in restoring proper circulation of blood, interstitial fluid, and nutrients to vital organs and body systems. 

Sports Massage: Sports massage is a specialized form of massage therapy that targets athletes and individuals involved in rigorous physical activities. This type of massage aims to prevent and treat injuries, enhance performance, and promote faster recovery. Sports massage techniques focus on manipulating soft tissues, such as muscles and tendons, to improve circulation, alleviate muscle tension, and reduce muscle soreness. It can be applied before, during, or after sporting events or workouts to optimize athletic performance and prevent muscle imbalances.

Fertility Massage: Fertility massage is a gentle and non-invasive massage technique designed to support reproductive health and enhance fertility. This type of massage focuses on the abdominal area and aims to improve blood flow, release tension, and promote hormonal balance. Fertility massage techniques may include acupressure, reflexology, and deep tissue massage to stimulate the reproductive organs, regulate the menstrual cycle, and reduce stress levels. It can be a beneficial complement to conventional fertility treatments or for couples trying to conceive naturally.

Hot Stone Massage: Hot stone massage is a soothing and relaxing massage therapy that involves the use of heated stones placed on specific areas of the body. The stones, typically smooth basalt rocks, are heated and used in combination with traditional massage techniques to promote deep relaxation and release muscle tension. The warmth from the stones helps to expand blood vessels, improving blood circulation and increasing the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the tissues. Hot stone massage can also help relieve chronic pain, reduce stress, and induce a sense of tranquility.

Myo Facial Massage: Myo facial massage, also known as facial release or facial manipulation, is a specialized massage technique that targets the muscles and connective tissues of the face and neck. This type of massage focuses on releasing tension, improving blood circulation, and promoting overall relaxation and rejuvenation of the facial muscles. Myo facial massage techniques often involve gentle stretching, kneading, and pressure-point stimulation to reduce facial muscle tightness and alleviate common issues such as jaw tension, headaches, and TMJ (temporomandibular joint) dysfunction. Additionally, myo facial massage can help improve the appearance of the skin by promoting collagen production and enhancing skin elasticity.

Massage Therapy:

Orthopedic Massage & Shiatsu Therapy 
Massage @ Catch a Fish Acupuncture and Wellness.

Asian Orthopedic Massage originates from China and is one of the main treatments a surgeon performs on their patient to avoid surgery.  What’s unique about China is the actual surgeon is also an expert at massage! The massage is performed with the patient fully clothed and uses a series of more than 16 different pressing, compression, rolling and pulling techniques to ease, relax and promote blood flow.

While this form of massage is relaxing its goal is much different than a massage at a Spa. Spa massage is for zoning out and feeling pampered.  Asian Orthopedic Massage may at times be challenging however the massage should NOT be painful.  We preface this by saying at “Catch a Fish” our Orthopedic Massage should not be painful.  If you go to China it’s a different story. 

Shiatsu is the healing art Brian (our Chinese Medicine Practitioner) holds most dear to his heart.  It was the first modality of healing that embarked him on finding exactly what is the meaning and depth of healing within a person and what exactly “healing” even means.  Is healing the vanishing of symptoms so they no longer plague us every day? Or is healing something much deeper that touches us to our core where we are no longer the same person living in the same trajectory of life? 

After 23 years of practice we can help many pains heal quickly.  Kick out a cold, make a flu go away faster, cure a stomach ailment that’s been around for years. However, even though the ailment is cured the fundamental person that sits before us is the same. Shiatsu brings forth something much deeper.  Something that hopes to ignite a deeper looking at ourselves and how we are living to bring us more Love, more Joy, more Openness. It poses the question: “Are we fulfilling our destiny?”

Food as Medicine

Renata, our expert in Food as Medicine at Catch a Fish, is a pleasure to talk to and will create a safe space for you to ask any questions about your nutrition and dietary needs. She is also not the food police, but rather your ally and a valuable member of your team to help you achieve your wellness goals.

Renata typically recommends four visits as part of your treatment plan. The first visit is usually in person and lasts about an hour. You can schedule her visit before or after your acupuncture appointment. This initial consultation includes a comprehensive review of your health history, blood work, lifestyle behaviors, food intake, overall health, and a detailed exploration of your symptoms, nutrition habits, cravings, and other goals.

Renata will also analyze your symptoms from a food as medicine perspective, recommend supplements, review your blood work, and address any key concerns and how to tackle them. Most importantly, she will provide you with a detailed monthly menu and recipe list for meal planning. You won’t leave without knowing how to proceed or what steps to take.

After a few weeks on the plan, Renata will follow up with you, either in person or via Zoom, to assess your progress, make any necessary adjustments to your supplements or dietary program, and help overcome any challenges you may face in reaching your wellness goals. Throughout your care plan, she will periodically check in with you to monitor your progress.

If you ever feel overwhelmed at any point during this process, please don’t hesitate to let us know. We understand what it’s like because we’ve been there, just like you. We’re here to support you at your own pace and whenever you need us. You’ve got this!